One of the most tedious things to do when building a Java web application is to handle the so called bindings.But what is a binding? I'm going to give you an example to understand what I mean.
Let's suppose we have a web application whose back-end is written in Java while the font-end is HTML/JavaScript based. The communication between the two sides is done using JSON.
Suppose we have a Java model that looks like:
class Book { private name; private publishingDate; private Author author;
//...setters/getters here }
An instance of the above class gets JSON serialized, then lands to the client side (the web browser) and gets deserialized into a JavaScript object, that looks like:
{name: "Alice in Wonderland", publishingDate: "26 November 1865", author : {name: "Lewis Carroll", address: {town:"Guildford", country: "England"}}}
The relationship between the Java model and the resulting JavaScript model is called binding.
JavaScript allows the use of path expressions to refer the object's fields, for example:
publishingDate, author,,
To write this path expressions requires some copy/paste operations if you don't have a good memory, or, if you are using Eclipse IDE, a plugin can insert them automatically.
The JavaBean Inspector Eclipse plugin
This plugin is open sourced and can be found hereTo install it, you can use Help -> Eclipse Marketplace menu.
After installing, press Ctrl+Alt+8 the select the Java model. You'll see something like:
Search and select the JavaBean model you want to bind to HTML/JavaScript. Press OK button then open a HTML or JavaScript file, place the caret where you want to insert the path expression, then press Ctrl+Alt+Space. You'll see something like:
One more thing that you can do is to validate a path expression against the selected JavaBean. Just select the path to validate and press Ctrl+Alt+9. If it's valid, you'll see a message like:
Any suggestions for improvement are welcomed.